Data. Behavior. Innovation.

Innovative Pioneer

Welcome! I'm Brian Boeck, an emerging talent in the field of data analytics. My unique blend of technical know-how, honed through a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology, and practical experience in data analysis, sets me apart. I specialize in offering insightful data-driven solutions and behavioral analysis, all powered by cutting-edge technologies.

Data Analysis
laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table

Pioneering Projects

Immerse yourself in a world where data unfolds stories and human behavior unveils its mysteries.

blue and black helmet on blue and white textile
blue and black helmet on blue and white textile
Data Science

Join us in pushing the boundaries of knowledge and possibility between technology and psychology.

white spiral light bulb on yellow surface
white spiral light bulb on yellow surface
Ecclectic Projects

Explore Dr. Brian Boeck's innovative projects that merge data science and psychology.

Colorful software or web code on a computer monitor
Colorful software or web code on a computer monitor
Technology Blog

Discover how data can reveal insights into human behavior in Dr. Boeck's pioneering projects.

human hand holding plasma ball